A alquimia da vida presentes em meus atos.
"Deus tudo perdoa, o homem pode até perdoar. Mas, a mãe Natureza, jamais perdoará o que fizermos."
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Poesias, assim como crianças são dádivas de Deus.
Obama and Michele
Yesterday I saw you and I recognized in you a greater love. You just had to look to paralyze my heart. I have loved you since the first time I saw you. You sent in my heart in my life, and you made me come To the top of the world as president, but without leaving the family aside. Many thought we would be defeated, Pure illusion, because with your love and Carinho, we're safe here. Today I thank you in public for your love, for your friendship. We hope and give hope to so many, We carry the teachings of simplicity to our daughters, And so we were part of World History. I love you and thank the American people, who fought with us for eight years .... Now are new plans in the Love of God and Life.

Teka Castro.
São Paulo, 14 de janeiro de 2017.
12 : 31 h.
Teka Castro
Enviado por Teka Castro em 14/01/2017
Alterado em 14/01/2017
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